Sunday, April 25, 2010

Staff Member Promotion Mishap

Recently I said I would be promoting a member to the staff position of moderator. I feel bad now that I feel like taking that back. But let me explain myself.
Firstly I feel bad since I was hoping and almost expecting more than one person to apply for the position. I only got one application. This makes it feel more like I'm giving away the position.
Secondly, the site hasn't really been as active as it was before. It's almost starting to feel like the amount of staff we have is way more than enough. So adding a new staff member would just feel overwhelming.
As bad as I feel about it, I think that for now, until things liven up again on the site, I'm going to revoke the staff member opening and keep the staff as is. For now things are just too... dead for us to have another staff member.

Monday, April 19, 2010

1 Year..

1 year ago today, a girl going by the handle Emmy has a Gun decided to make a fansite for her favorite musician, William Control. Within a month it quickly grew into the biggest site she had made.
Today it is a site recognized by William himself and has reached almost 200 members. It has been quite an amazing year for me and for the site. I am so proud of what it has become and look forward to what lies ahead of us.
Here's to another great year ahead!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Now Hiring

With the 1 year anniversary just around the corner, I've posted an application thread with instructions on how to apply for the position of Moderator.

To view it click here:

-Staff responsibilities post
-Moderator application
-Affiliates update
-Side bar updates
-New avatars