Sunday, June 13, 2010


Although I feel like I may have jumped the gun with my review of Noir, I do still feel somewhat the same. I will admit, had I known the video was actually based on a book (yes?), I think I would have seen the video from a different perspective.
Now that it's been out for almost a week, if you still haven't bought Noir, go and do so.
Now hopefully this week I will be able to get to updating the music player by adding the rest of Noir to it. I will also work on getting the lyrics for Noir added to the Lyrics board. Hell, I may even go as far as to add all the lyrics for Aiden's songs as well under a lyrics boards for them.
In other news, the account that posted as William is indeed him. I was able to verify that just tongiht. So now we can be sure that Will does in fact visit the site at times. (and by the way he loves it).

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